Slow week, eh?
Time to pick it up a bit with another Contest!!!

Flashy, huh?
This weeks Contest is a little different than most weve had before...This weeks Contest relies heavily on images.
Blurry images, zoomed in on images, can-barely-tell-what-they-are images.......
Your job is to find the links to the images and figure out what they are.
More information will be posted and the contest will start tomorrow at 7 pm IST.
Until then, I need suggestions for prizes!! Top prize for this weeks Contest.......
The elusive
Scarab Amulet! As well as 50,000 iP and a
Red Snow Jar Stamp!
There will be four more prizes, but I need to know what you guys would want to win! Post here or mail me with suggestions! Unfortunately, we cannot give out anything Ice Cash related, such as a Custom Avatar, or a Pet Slot Key...Why? Because the Evil Jakrits told me so. :3
Theyre just so vindictive!
So post and mail away, and be sure to log in at 7 pm IST for this weeks Contest!!
View Original Post The contest is underway! I'm not going to give out too many details, as I'm worried it might be too easy.
I will tell you that it
starts with restocking! Keep your eyes peeled, and keep a close watch on the shops...
Believe it or not, this took a lot of time, planning, and preparation, so I would appreciate it if you didn't share answers. I want this to be fun for everyone! (:
In other news...Five new Snow Cones have been thrown into the
Frozen Treats store.

Don't tell Greg. o.o;
They are the
Lemon Lime Snow Cone,
Lemon Snow Cone,
Lime Snow Cone,
Orange Snow Cone, and
Raspberry Snow Cone. Delicious!
And please believe me that these new items have absolutely nothing to do with the contest mentioned above. I'm being completely serious. Please don't collect them all and send them to me...They mean nothing. If you send them, you will not place in the contest, nor will you get them back. I will keep them. For my Gallery. :3
But seriously, don't send them.
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Our last contest has finally come to an end!
As I mentioned before, I was worried that simply presenting blurry images to you guys would just be too easy.. So it was made a little more difficult by having you find each item to get to the next clue.
For those of you who were completely lost, here's how it went.
A new item called Rainbow Gemstone was set to stock in every single NPC shop. Its rarity was Super Rare. Once you obtained a Rainbow Gemstone, if you clicked it in your Inventory, you would discover a link.
This is what it linked to. Any user who has been on Ice Pets for longer than a month or two should recognize that as an Audril foot. This item is a White Audril Morphing Potion.
Some.. Most users sent me a message telling me they found out the blurred image was a White Audril Morphing Potion. My response to every single one of them was: You should get one. (Just to be fair.

Once you obtained a White Audril Morphing Potion, if you clicked it in your Inventory, you would see the following:
What a white fluffy tail your Audril will have once you use this magic potion.
That image is a Maple Tree Book. In that items description is a link to
this picture.
That item is a Sausage Biscuit. In that description, is
this picture.
At this point, many users had messaged me saying they didn't even know how to get started. This is when I posted the hints news. This was also the point when a few users had messaged me saying they figured out this was an Icy Treasure Chest Ice Cube, but that they had no means of obtaining one for the description. The rule was added that users who cannot obtain the item they believe to be the next step may message me to get the description. There should have only been four items you may have had trouble getting; the White Audril Morphing Potion, Maple Tree Book, Icy Treasure Chest Ice Cube, and one more that will be listed below.
This was the image in the Icy Treasure Chest Ice Cubes description. It is almost immediately recognizable as the bubbles in the Witches Cauldron. In the Witches Cauldron description is
this picture.
I thought this would be one of the harder ones, but it didn't pose a problem to our five winners.
In the Broken Swords description was
this picture.
Michaels Prank Fake Spider had
this picture in its description.
Peace Sunglasses. Who would've guessed? Five people did.
Here was the final image. I felt it was the most tricky out of all the items, because at first it appears to be a Rainbow Plastic Easter Egg Ice Cube. If you managed to get a hold of one of those, (Or messaged me for your fourth hint) you will find out that is not what it is. Most peoples minds went to the Empty Rainbow Plastic Easter Egg Ice Cube, which was also incorrect. The correct answer is..
Happy Easter Stamp!
In the Happy Easter Stamp was the following:
First released in April of 2011 as a Plastic Easter Egg prize item.
How many items have the word Wulfer in them? Mail Speedie with your answer to complete the Contest!
The answer to that question can be easily found by utilizing the new
Search Function. There are 32 items with the word Wulfer in them.
The only users to complete the contest by sending me the correct answer as well as the items pictured are as follows:
In fifth place,
Taking fourth place,
In third place,
In second place,
And finally, finishing in first place, winning a Red Snow Jar Stamp and first pick at the prize pool,
Congratulations to all the winners! You will be mailed within the next few hours to claim your prize!
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