Voting Period:
2021-02-24 - 2021-03-02
Click on the title to read the contents.
Entry 1
Ancient and Mythical,
2021's Amourok feels fictional.
This clash of colours is amazing,
The competition they're both in racing.
Event plushies, heart fragments, and full hearts,
The restocking competition is off the charts.
Which team will win?
Who will shine brighter with their light within?
Come on on all, of us each one,
Doesn't matter who's won.
Friendship is everyone's dreams,
even though we've been in opposing teams.
Entry 2
I'm like a fish wishing I could fly,
Just to stay a little longer by your side.
Entry 3
Smash a jar open and hope.
No prize this time, maybe next?
Fingers crossed, goodluck.
Only a few left.
My own heart is racing now.
Only one can win.
Watch the clock count down.
Someone clicked it first, oh no.
Refresh the page, quick!
Only one is left.
I can do it yes, I can!
It disappears fast.
I do not know how.
I did not make it in time.
A true heart breaker.
Maybe next time, yes.
Watch the time, do not forget.
That Plush will be mine.
Entry 4
Writing a letter for my special one,
someone that I've loved since a cub.
Took me by hand to meet a wild world,
and taught how to tame it while we're having fun.
Always cooked green food that I didn't like,
and once a week I had chocolate with mint.
"Don't abuse of those, or you'll ruin your teeth",
so I ever kept in mind her wiseful belief.
Not a single night my mind forgets her smile,
as the time sets my Wulfer future as undefined.
Even now that I'm far away from home,
every single second I'm missing mom.
Entry 5
Ralph the Ridix traveled the mountains to find
the missing 3 pieces of his heart so kind.
He once held it together with tape, then glue,
but it shattered again thanks to Sarah the Zabeu.
He stopped by frozen treats but no piece was found,
until he heard the faintest whimpering sound.
Behind the igloo the sound grew louder,
until Ralph found a pile of fresh snow powder.
He dug through the top layer and found below
the missing pieces of his heart still aglow.
He held tight the pieces taped together anew,
still resilient after all he'd been through.
Entry 6
With Amourok just around the corner,
I found myself in need of a gift to show my love,
Would a cuddly Love Trido Plush be worthy,
Or what else would rate above?
A Evil Chocolate Box may take its own bite,
and no one wants a Torn Teddy,
I searched through special stamps, and coins,
through Cupid's Tales, but still I was unready.
Till I pushed past Love songs, endless love letters,
and found the greatest gift was not a doll,
but spending time together in our happy place,
Amourok makes it true: Love Conquers All.
Entry 7
Love never lasts
I started with an ancient flame
And this much is true
but after hitting the millionth key
It's apparent that we're through
Entry 8
Oh, alas, alas it is so sad,
You had to be on the side of bad.
I know it is only fate,
You ended up on the team I hate.
You have to understand, my love,
We must be brave like a dove.
A dove who flies into a storm,
Knowing she will be blown and forlorn.
But in the end, we know it's true,
Only one of us will win, the other will be blue.
Entry 9
With passion we hold hands
Our destructive powers
Disintegrate any hatred and pain
Wise words
Legendary Wings
Give hope
Inspiring dreams
Together as one
We reflect on our love and friendship
And embrace our ancient and mythical power.
Entry 10
The searches start
And passions do run high.
"Pull all-nighters to find that heart!"
Reverbs the battle cry.
Hurry, scurry,
Check the shops!
Tenacity persists.
To NPCs the cursor hops, but...
"That item no longer exists."
It's a Heart Breaker.
Entry 11
Marshall the Sarshel sells heart shells
Tiny shiny shimmering shells
Found from swimming in glimmering wells
His heart soars and his eyes swell
As he's swirling and spinning and swimming in wells
Swooning at the sight of those shimmering shells
He sells his shells in Haliper Jungles
Where during Amouruk he's selling out trunk fulls
So...should Sharshels sell heart shells since they partially are shells?
Well, Marshall the Sharshel says his heart shells sure are swell!
And you should probably buy some.
And he only accepts Ice Cash.
Entry 12
I left my heart upon a table in a jar
With a hammer placed against its side
As if to tempt fate, with its unyielding arm
To smash that jar, and too my heart,
To which you hurtfully complied.
So now I gather the fragments that remain,
Feeling the weight from the happiness you stole,
Yet each broken little piece I gain
Reminds me that with enough craft and care,
It won't be long before I again am whole.