Newest Created Pets

Nipsey the
Blue Makoat

Owner: KyaSimone

Jonquil the
Yellow Krittle

Owner: oddrang

RoseThorne the
Red Krittle

Owner: octifakker

  • Contest
  • Prize
  • Voting
Competition Date:
2023-11-16 - 2023-12-01

It's time for the annual Craftshare -- and do you know what the best thing about IcePets is? Terrafrostians! In celebration, this year's theme is all about Community.

How you interpret the theme is up to you, as is what the image you create is made of! Be it digital art, paint, macaroni, or whatever else strikes your fancy, it just needs to be (re)sized to 150 x 150 pixels for submission.

Please keep in mind resized work may become blurry or distorted.

Below is the finished 2023 Community Quilt!
You can view an alternative version which shows which User created each patch by clicking the Voting tab.

2023 Community Quilt


Rule 1 - One entry per User. If your entry is rejected for any reason, you can submit another before the event ends.
Rule 2 - Work must be entirely your own. Please do not trace original artwork or use Google images, but image manipulation of IcePets art to create graphics is acceptable.
Rule 3 - Art must be kept PG-13. For example, you may show two Pets holding hands or kissing, but not overt innuendo; you may show blood, weapons, or mild violence, but not gore or dismembered limbs, etc. All entries submitted must be considered appropriate under the Terms and Conditions of IcePets.
Rule 4 - Entries must be related to IcePets in some way, appropriate for the theme, and show some effort put into their creation.
Rule 5 - Both digital and traditional artwork can be submitted, but your entry must be an image. If you choose to create traditinal artwork, you must submit as a photograph taken as clearly as you can.
Rule 6 - Staff reserve the right to dismiss a submission if it is hard to view or appears no work was involved.
Rule 7 - You may share your entry to this event! Feel free to put your username in your submission as well, although using a © or similar copyright symbol is not allowed.

All Participants
Snow Contestant Trophy
  • Craftshare Avatar
  • Craftshare Profile Skin
Voting Period:
2023-12-02 - 2023-12-03

Click on the image to expand it.

Entry 430
Submitted by Samarra
Entry 433
Submitted by tae
Entry 431
Submitted by Sumo_zombie
Entry 436
Submitted by Rayquaza
Entry 434
Submitted by Zig
Entry 429
Submitted by Silvy
Entry 432
Submitted by Quilladin
Entry 427
Submitted by Cassarts
Entry 428
Submitted by Kamisheru14
Entry 435
Submitted by TaNi

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Version: - Latest Deploy: 2025-02-12 23:23:45 IST

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