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Nipsey the
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Owner: KyaSimone

Jonquil the
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Owner: oddrang

RoseThorne the
Red Krittle

Owner: octifakker

  • Contest
  • Prize
  • Voting
Competition Date:
2018-12-08 - 2018-12-17

Show us your way with words and write an IcePets poem that displays an elusive balance of artistry, creativity, and craft. The winners will be printed together in a new IcePets poetry book!

Please send all entries to Quil.

Snowflake Plushie


Rule 1 - You can write about anything, as long as it is appropriate for IcePets (to see what is considered appropriate, please re-read the Terms and Conditions).
Rule 2 - Your poem should be under 200 words and related to IcePets in some way.
Rule 3 - Only one entry per person.
Rule 4 - You must write your own poem, but parody of fair use poems with an IcePets spin is okay.
Rule 5 - The voting for this contest needs to remain anonymous! That means that you are not allowed to tell others what entry is yours, ask anyone to vote for you, or post your poem anywhere until the event is over.

Disregarding the Contest Rules will disqualify your entry!

1st Place
  • Gold Contestant Trophy
  • Golden Competitor Stamp
  • Their poem added to a compiled book with the other winners' poems.
  • A copy of the Book with the winning poems.
  • 1 Christmas Snow Jar
  • 250,000 IP
2nd Place
  • Silver Contestant Trophy
  • Their poem added to a compiled book with the other winners' poems.
  • A copy of the Book with the winning poems.
  • 1 Christmas Snow Jar
  • 175,000 IP
3rd Place
  • Bronze Contestant Trophy
  • Their poem added to a compiled book with the other winners' poems.
  • A copy of the Book with the winning poems.
  • 1 Christmas Snow Jar
  • 100,000 IP
Voting Period:
2018-12-18 - 2018-12-26

Click on the title to read it.

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Version: - Latest Deploy: 2025-02-12 23:23:45 IST

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