It's time to get into the spirit of Halloween!! Let's kick it off with a little contest!
Think you can do better?Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to carve an IcePets themed pumpkin! Yes, a real pumpkin. Not like that MS Paint catastrophe up there. @_@ You can make it a Pet, Avatar, Item, whatever! As long as it's IcePets themed! Light it up at night, take a pic, and send it in! Pretty simple, right?
RulesOnly one entry per user
Please do not share your entry with other users
Mail your entries to
SpeedieNo stealing artwork
Voting rules will be announced after the entry deadline of
Wednesday, October 31st, 11:59:59 pm IST.
Now, the prizes...

Dark Apple, Bone Soup, and Spooky Tree Stamp. 1st place takes their pick of one of these Items, 2nd place takes their pick of what's left, and 3rd place gets what remains.
That about wraps it up, if you have any questions, feel free to post or message
View Original Post Now that we have our beautiful
Contests Page up and running, I think it's time to announce the winners of the past two art contests we've held!
A little refresher, ((If you're too lazy to click that nice little hyperlink I made for you up there and check out Contest # 15)) the Contest had started and we received a record number of entries.
Thirty-two to be exact. You all voted, and somehow, in an event that could only be planned by a Survivor-style show producer, there was a tie for first place.
So we voted again! For the tiebreaker! View the very empty news post

Here are the results;
In third place, with an entry based off an Ancient Wulfer,
In second place, with an entry based off a Space Wulfer,
And in first place, with an entry based off the 60s Sharshel, ((Taking part in this contest
before they were on staff))
Prizes for this contest have already been distributed, so revel in your glory, contestants!
All entries, as well as the news posts updating you along the way for this contest can be found in our
Contests Page.
Is that it? Yeah, that's it. Wait no it's not. o.o
Remember this baby?Yes the votes for the Pumpkin Contest have been tallied, and the results are in!
In third place, with their take on our Xephyr,
KitIn second place, with a rendition of our Dark Apple,
And taking first place, with an adorable carving of a Baby Ridix,
Prizes for this contest will be distributed shortly, so please be patient!
All other entries as well as news updates for this contest can be found, again, in our lovely
Contests Page.
Thank you all for taking part in these events, and for your patience in waiting for the results. All the entries received for both contests were amazing.
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