Competition Date:
2020-03-09 - 2020-03-22
Show us your way with words and write a poem based on Seasonal Cleaning. You can use any form of poetry. Interpret the theme as you wish!
Send all entries to Mochihugs.
The participants will be printed together in a new IcePets book!
Rule 1 - One entry per User.
Rule 2 - All entries submitted must be considered appropriate under the Terms and Conditions of IcePets.
Rule 3 - Keep your entries private and please do not share with other Users!
Rule 4 - Entries must be kept PG-13.
Rule 5 - All entries will be subject to edits by our writing department in the final book.
Rule 6 - Must be IcePets related.
Rule 7 - Provide a title for your poem.
Voting Period:
2020-03-23 - 2020-03-30
Click on the title to read the contents.
Entry 1
Skeleton gloves here
Fake fur coat is up there
Fluffy winter boots
Is that one too small?
Will that ever fit again?
Need to be sorted
I just close my eyes
I pretend not to notice
Close the closet door
Entry 2
The Dabu likes to clean and wash
On an April sunshine day
The Dabu likes to wash her socks
And her frocks
On an April sunshine day
The Dabu likes to dust and sing
Hoover, mop or something
On an April sunshine day
The Dabu likes to shine and gleam
Shine and gleam
Shine and gleam
On an April sunshine day
Entry 3
Red, Blue, Green, and Pink,
And all Colours in between.
Duckies welcome Spring.
Time to clean things up.
The time has come to have fun,
And shake the dust off!
Time for a party,
Call up all your friends and Pets.
The Duckies will host.
Entry 4
Take the snow jars off the shelf
Dust, but be mindful of your health
As you broom any spiders out of doors
But don't let your ice cubes melt away
As you'll still need them everyday
Store them nicely
And precisely
In a place that is cool and fresh
Align your stamps in straight rows
Count your duckies to and fro
Take a tally of all your stored stock
Making sure to dry out any winter rot
Then replace your fluffy winter boots
For a bright candy wrapper suit
Make room for a lovely hat of straw
And spring goodie bags galore
Carry with you a surprise basket full of treats
To share with any newbies you might meet
Make sure to send a nice bouquet
To your favourite IcePal during May
To appreciate the friendship they have shown
Now remember we're a team
So let's all keep this Ice home clean
Invite all your pets to come along
For this - our springtime singsong!
Keep it Tidy, Make it Nice (song)
Keep it tidy, make it ice, make it nice
We'll sing as we work
For it's never cool to shirk
Our responsibility of keeping order in this house
No need to be the louse
Just use your hand and your nouse
Make it nice, make it ice, make it nice
We'll make this home bright and breezy
As it turns all light and sneezy
With the Flaming Lilly blooming
And the Huernia unassuming
All we have to do is keep this house a-tidy
Make it nice, make it ice, make it nice
Before we begin, can your Traptur
Tap sir?
If so, kindly suggest they tap as they clean
Better than them singing, if you know what we mean
While your Sharshel
Is capable of ringing the dinner bell
They are, as well,
Perfectly wonderful at waxing, turtle shell
So perhaps assign them to the battle shop to clean
As for your Cobron
Let them dust our companion
For we all know, Skeletiny
Loves having his skull that extra bit shiny
You could even teach your Dovu
Something that will make them really love you
Such as, how to hang out the winter coats to dry
Perhaps just this once allow your Lugra
To clean like a slug a-ha
Mopping the floor with their tummies as they roll
But do make sure that your Makoat
Has removed their heavy coat
Before cleaning any of the toy boats in your store
If you're wondering why your Audril
Is examining the new shoebill
We think you should leave them to it
Despite being rather new at it
As they seem to have an eye for perfect seams
And please do entrust your Ridix
With finding colour six
For this colour you must mix
If you want a rainbow jar affixed
To your inventory tricks
But don't allow your eager Krittle
To clean any of the black griddle
As it may have become quite brittle in the cold
Your Wulfer
Could shear the wool fur
Of the Herji as they sleep
Then you'll count no winter coats, only shorn Herji sheep
Then maybe with the Novyn
Get them to paint a little mauve 'n'
Lilac to brighten up the rooms
And if your Ori
Is in a Hurry
Don't worry!
They're just so very very fast
That is to say at any given task
Even if your Jarkit
Might indeed hark-a-bit
You needn't have to ask
Just go ahead and let them pick their task
And we'll guarantee you'll always be pleased as they are... first-class
As your bright-eyed Dabu
Loves when all things are new
Give them the task of stocking new items on the shelves
And please forgive your little Trido
As they will always want to hide-o
Try a reward of marshmallow
After all... they're just the most playful little fellow
Both Xephyr and Zabeu
Could be our official Spring greeters 'howdy do'
They have both great smiles and friendly tones too
So everyone
Get a-singing and a-cleaning
And in no time our Ice home will be a-gleaming
Then most assuredly more guests will come a-knocking at our door!
Entry 5
Packed up the hoover
and the stain remover
Spring cleaning is finished
and my energy is diminished
No need to be mopey
I'll sink into a bath and get soapy
Yellow and green
yellow and green
rub it all over
and keep me clean
I came to the store
to buy some more
but there aren't any Krittle Soaps to be seen
Entry 6
So we gotta clean for spring
well, whooptie doo
Grab a mop, a Broom, a bucket
some dish rags or two
Then start by tossing out the trash
Donating the old winter Cloths
hide the books your mom wants you to toss
but you know you really need.
Make the beds, wash the walls,
and if your really good at it
clean the closet where you hid it all!
Entry 7
I am a Ridix,
I love Seasonal Cleaning,
If I could, I would clean all of Terrafrost the best anyone ever had.
Misty Isle would be full of all kinds of treasure, so clean,
Haliper Jungles are full of puzzles galore, no dust upon them,
Meteora crammed with books of all types and sizes, dusted off,
Galcies has food to please various types of tastes.
So if I could clean all of Terrafrost,
I would do it with joy and with happiness, too.
So I, as a Ridix just love to clean,
All of the places with treasures supreme.
I hope I can clean again next season,
It will not be the same without a little scrubbing!