Competition Date:
2022-04-19 - 2022-05-01
If you have an IcePets related joke you have been wanting to share with the community, now is your chance!
All entries will be made into a new Book Item and the top 3 winners will receive a copy.
Rule 1 - One entry per user.
Rule 2 - Work must be entirely your own.
Rule 3 - You should not show anyone else your entry; it is to remain anonymous before and during voting.
Rule 4 - Entries must be kept PG-13.
Rule 5 - All entries will be subject to edits by our writing department in the final book.
Rule 6 - Must be IcePets related.
Rule 7 - Your entry must be sent to IcePrincess by May 1st, 23:59:59 (IcePets time)
Voting Period:
2022-05-02 - 2022-05-09
Click on the title to read the contents.
Entry 1
3 Ancient Makoats sat at a table. One aged 96, one aged 94 and one aged 92.
The 96 year old says, 'I'm a gonna run a bath', and up stairs he goes. He puts one foot in the bath and pauses for a second, then shouts down, 'Was I getting in the bath or out?'
The 94 year old says, 'Hold on I'll come and have a look and tell you' and off he goes. Half way up the stairs he pauses for a second, then shouts, 'Was I going up the stairs or down?'
The 92 year old knocks a couple of times on the table as he gets up and says, 'I'll come and have a look and tell you,' pauses for a second and then says, '.. just let me see who's at the door first!'
Entry 2
It was a family of three siblings who lived in the Snowslide Mountains. The middle sibling, Lulu the Jakrit, loved puns. Every time they would come back from the Snow Jar Igloo or the closet, they would surprise their siblings with a pun that matched their current color. Like the time they got their Ice colour from the Waterfall.
"Ice to see you! It's such a cool day! I'm ready to break the ice, but be careful to not slip up!" Lulu laughed.
Or the time Lulu, in a beautiful Snowdrift coat, found their older brother, Ricky the Ice Dovu, trying to hide from their puns in the attic of the house.
"Are you trying to hide from my puns, Ricky? It's snow use! You should chill out!" Lulu yelled, which made Ricky groan loudly and try to cover his ears with his book.
One day, Lulu was nowhere to be seen. Ricky went to his and Lulu's younger sister, Melody the Angelic Ridix, and asked her where Lulu was.
"I think they're looking for a Prankster Pie. April's Fools day is coming, so I imagine they want to dress up for the occasion." Melody replied.
Lulu was away the entire day. All that time, Ricky was mentally preparing for all sorts of Prankster related puns. Like switching the word 'frank' for prank'. Or saying they are a 'Prank-star' instead of a 'rockstar'. He always thought he had heard it all, but Lulu always surprised him.
To his and Melody's shock, however, Lulu came home the exact way he left: as a Cottoncandy Jarkit. Ricky looked to Melody, they looked to Lulu, then back to each other again, in utter confusion.
"I don't get it." Melody finally broke the silence. "You said you were going to get a Prankster Pie, but you're still Cottoncandy coloured? What gives?"
Lulu sighed, then began to tell what happened.
"That was the plan, yeah. I first went to the Igloo to talk to Gabrielle, but she said she doesn't works with Prankster Pies. Then I asked Guillermo, but he said he doesn't works with Prankster Pies. Finally, I asked Alyson, and she said she can make me a Prankster Pie, but she was busy at the moment and it would take a while until she could give me one. She asked me if I could wait a few hours for my pie. I thought about, but in the end, I said I couldn't, because I was in a sugar rush."
Entry 3
Heart novitegg: Hi friend, how are you?
Heart novitegg's friend: I'm groovy!
Heart noviegg: I said how not who...
Entry 4
What do Icepets eat for breakfast?
Frosted Flakes!
Entry 5
Q: Which Icepet likes to cross the road?
A: The Krittle... to krittle the other side.
Entry 6
Why was Destiny angry at Cupid when he gifted her on Amourok?
Because he was chocoLATE to the date.
Entry 7
Why did the mother Ridix send her baby Ridix to her room?
She had a Hissy fit.