Competition Date:
2020-02-15 - 2020-02-23
Let Terrafrostians have a good chuckle with the most humorous caption you can think of for this image!
Click the image for full size!
Rule 1 - One entry per User.
Rule 2 - All entries submitted must be considered appropriate under the Terms and Conditions of IcePets.
Rule 3 - Keep your entries private and please do not share with other Users!
Rule 4 - Entries must be kept PG-13.
Rule 5 - Your submission must be sent to IcePrincess by February 22nd 2020 at 23:59:59 (IcePets time).
Voting Period:
2020-02-24 - 2020-02-28
Click on the title to read the contents.
Entry 1
"YUCK! I got sneezed it noticeable?"
Entry 2
'Darn Colour pets!'
Entry 3
"If the Rainbows are contagious, we need to find a vaccine for this outrage."
Entry 4
Step aside Toon pets, the Rainbow pets are taking over!
Entry 5
"Awe you guys made me ink"
Entry 6
Toons: You look different today boss
Toon Cobron: Yeah, Wife bought me a new shampoo "Splash of Color"
Entry 7
Toon Krittle: (to Toon Cobron) Ummm excuse me sir, this is a Toon onl....
Toon Xephyr: (Interrupts) OH hey boss welcome back!
Entry 8
Entry 9
"What do you mean I'm not on the Rainbow Team? Just look at me! Come on, at least let me have the Colourful Life Profile Skin..."
Entry 10
"I couldn't decide on which color to change to, because they all look good on me!"
Entry 11
Xephyr: "Guess you're monocobron no more?"
Entry 12
"You rainbow pets have now made it personal! The toon pets won't tolerate this kind of childish behavior!"
Entry 13
I'm now colorful enough to pretend to be a member of the rainbow team. Let's go see what they have in their sleeves. I will come back with all their secrets.
Entry 14
That isn't fair! They had paint balloons!