Competition Date:
2022-10-07 - 2022-10-20
Time to dust off your typewriters, because we're hosting a Spooky Story Contest! So if you've been hoping to let your creativity shine, now's a better opportunity than ever.
Try to leave any fluff out of your story, however, because all submissions must be 100 words or less. We want to keep this contest short, sweet, and simple! Also, your story does not necessarily need to take place in Terrafrost, but it still must be site-appropriate (keep it PG-13!)
All participants will receive a full Haunting Treat Bag.
Send all entries to IcePrincess.
Rule 1 - One entry per user.
Rule 2 - Work must be entirely your own.
Rule 3 - Feel free to get creative! You can use existing IcePets concepts or create your own, but it must fit the spooky theme.
Rule 4 - Your submission cannot be something that already exists on the site. This includes - and is not limited to - Book content, item descriptions, news posts, or other written content.
Rule 5 - Your submission cannot be identical to other existing works or ideas outside of IcePets; you may make references with your story, but it cannot be a direct copy..
Rule 6 - The story must be kept PG-13. For example, you may include mild violence, but not descriptive gore or brutality, etc. All entries submitted must be considered appropriate under the Terms and Conditions of IcePets.
Rule 7 - Keep your entries private and please don't share with other Users!
Rule 8 - Staff reserve the right to dismiss a submission if it is hard to view or appears no work was involved.
Rule 9 - Your entry must be uploaded and sent to IcePrincess by October 20th, 23:59:59 IcePets time.
Rule 10 - All entries must 100 words or less.
Voting Period:
2022-10-21 - 2022-10-31
Click on the title to read the contents.
Entry 1
Twas a dark and Stormy night, or so my mother said. The lightning was flashing everywhere,
The rain came down in a sheet like a wall, and then it happened, a knock on the door.
It was no beast, no banshee, no ghost that she could tell. But the creature standing there was covered head to tail.
In a goo that smelled like brime, she slammed the door, but the beast gave chase, breaking her favorite vase.
She turned on the light to reveal my father covered with mud and looking like the blob.
They laughted until they cried
Entry 2
"That's just an old story they tell kids to keep them from staying out past curfew," he says, stoking the campfire. "I think the three of us would notice something sneaking into the campsite to mess with us."
"You're probably right," you say, passing out tonight's dinner of slightly smushed sandwiches.
He laughs. "I'm always right, you know that. Hey, where's mine?"
"I only made three." You upend your bag just to show everyone how empty it is.
"Well, there's four of us, so someone is going to have to share."
Entry 3
The little Zabeu finally arrived to the last room of the Haunted House. The room was scary, cold, terrifying. She trembled, but walked to the bed.
She stared into the shiny box sitting on the bed. She almost grabbed it, when something moved under the bed. She screamed and ran off, leaving the box behind.
In the corner of the room, a pair of ghosts watched. A Ridix got out from under the bed, yawning. A ghost sighed.
"It's getting harder to find a good babysitter for Chloe. They either take the box and leave or just run away!"
Entry 4
As Samuel neared his store, he thought of how today felt no different from any other day...except there were no customers outside his store waiting in line to purchase merchandise to complete a quest. When he entered the Toy Trunk, however, he noticed everything was jumbled up! Building blocks were scattered, TCGs were stuck to the walls, and the Duckies were trapped in cobwebs! Then, Samuel noticed at her friend Bianca, the Phantasmoire Krittle, who was putting the finishing touches on his store's decorations for Haunting! After the initial shock passed, Samuel greeted his newly arrived wide-eyed customers.
Entry 5
Lucius the Undying waded through mountains of snow, looking to the horizon wielded crumbling hope, all he could see was daggers of snow piercing into his thick, Fire coat. A casual walk to a friend's home distorted into fighting time. Paws numb, heat draws inwards in attempt to protect vitals. With frosting fur sapping away precious heat, he decided to rest beneath a tree. He curled into a tight ball, and closed his eyes. For a moment, he felt a warming, and great relaxing feeling, maybe he could warm up after all. Consciousness faded into the great abyss, eternally resting.
Entry 6
She turned around to look behind her, but the purple gleam leaped out of sight. The fog was thickening rapidly around her now, and her breaths came quick and strained. "Just a little farther ahead", she thought. "Then I'll be home. I'm almost there."
But the violet mists twisted around her again, and she didn't notice the edge of the cliff until it was too late.
Entry 7
A knock followed by "Trick or treat," from a ridix. I'm out of candy replied the jakrit.
He knocked once more, saying the same thing. Once again, the jakrit replied with the same answer. Multiple knocks and trick-or-treat calls, finally made the jakrit get up and open the door.
Surprised, she didn't find anyone standing outside. Bewildered, she headed upstairs. As soon as she was about sleep, she heard knocking outside her bedroom. Then a slight creak as the voice whispered trick or treat into her ear.
Entry 8
Phantasmoire Krittle was a hermit who lived alone in a run down mansion at the edge of town. Rumors were widespread about the wild eyed man. Some folks said that he was a magician who called upon the powers of darkness to wreck havoc upon his neighbors. Others called him a mad doctor who could restore life to foul corpses from the local cemetery. No respectable citizen in town had anything to do with Phantasmoire Krittle.
Entry 9
A chill runs up my spine...
It's not uncommon that feeling...
There is something in that house...
Nobody believes in the shadows I can see...
They whisper to us if we want to join them...
It's time to play hide and seek...
Their laughter resonates...
I want that joy too...
Midnight hits the clock...
I enter the>
All I hear is my racing heart...
Right or left...
Whispers are getting stronger
I don't see anyone...
"Do you want to join us..?" They laugh in my ear...
"I..." giggles are all I hear "time to play..."
Entry 10
I am Nightmare. I haunt your dreams at night. I crush and darken them.
You wake up, covered with sweat and breathing with ragged breath. You hastily look around the room. Moonlight filters through the curtains, leaving shadows on the walls. You check under your bed, then swing your legs over the edge. You quietly head for the door. Poking your head around the corner, you look into the hallway and slip away.
I watch you until you're out of my sight. No matter how hard you try, no matter how far you go, you cannot escape me.
Entry 11
A lamb languishes amidst a herd of unremarkable sheep.
Their mother always taught them to fear the rain, and the herd taught them to fear the wolves prowling in the dark.
Obediently, they always hid beneath shelter when the rain passed by.
They quietly wondered what the herd had to fear from the wolves, when their numbers were so much greater.
Too slow, one day, they felt the rain sink into their coat. Paint fell away, revealing a wolf beneath.
Suddenly, all hundreds of fearful eyes were on them. Surrounded by the enemy, a ram's horns never looked so sharp.
Entry 12
Wilson Wulfer was always a good brother to his younger sibling, Riley Ridix. That's why he didn't mind taking them trick-or-treating on Halloween night. The night went smoothly, and they had reached the end of the road, where a shabby house stood. Wilson took Riley's hand and led them to the front door. Before he could knock, the door creaked open and an old skeletal Trido stepped into view.
"Wow!" exclaimed Wilson. "That's the best costume I've seen all night!" He turned, smiling, to his sibling, who was visibly confused. "Wilson," they whimpered. "There's nobody there!"
Entry 13
Once, the Waterfall flowed up, pulling all the pets into a cave. Two shivering Krittle siblings clung to one another.
"Oh?" The cave shimmered as a Phantasmoire Cobron appeared, revealing the many pets trapped inside. "What a selection this eve!"
The cave darkened and there were screams. "No!" The older Krittle yelled as they were pulled underwater. She clawed blindly and they both rose and gasped for air.
Finally, the cave ended with a pool of water surrounded by trees. They both clambered out, teeth chattering. "Wait," the younger Krittle said. "Where's everyone else?"
The two siblings were now alone.
Entry 14
The house was creepy. She found a small jar hidden -- whoosh! She had shrunk into the dollhouse! She traveled after a voice, through rooms of dusty books, and torn furniture. As she got to the bedroom, she saw a lady.
"I've been waiting for you." The lady smiled. "You brought my jar back."
She knew she shouldn't give the jar, but didn't know why. She threw it hard against the floor. Now, on the outside of the dollhouse, she tossed it in the trash, and heard whispering.
"Someone will come play with me. They always do."