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Owner: octifakker

  • Contest
  • Prize
  • Voting
Competition Date:
2017-10-02 - 2017-10-23
Halloween Sharshel Hat

Get your glue, construction paper, yarn, and whatever else you like to create with because we are rolling out what we like to call: The In Real Life IcePets Contest (or IRL Contest, for short)! For this Contest, we'd like you to make any IcePets Item in real life. Make your favourite Morphing Potion, your favourite Plushie, your favourite Food; it doesn't matter, so long as it is an identifiable Item from IcePets.

Xephyr Plushie Making Kit Frozen Muffin Ingredients


Rule 1 - Any work submitted must be your own.
Rule 2 - One entry per user.
Rule 3 - Entries submitted must be considered appropriate according to the T&C of Icepets
Rule 4 - Keep your entries private and don't share with other users! This will allow for unbiased voting.
Rule 5 - Please provide two images: one with a piece of paper or tag with your Username that we will use to verify that you made the Item and another image without the tag for anonymous voting purposes.
Rule 6 - Do not use an IRL item itself as an IcePets Item. I.e. don't go to your garden, take a picture of a turnip, and send it in.

1st Place
& & & & 250,000 IcePoints
2nd Place
& & 175,000 IcePoints
3rd Place
& & 100,000 IcePoints

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Version: - Latest Deploy: 2025-02-12 23:23:45 IST

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