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IcePets Day 125, Year 14 (21st Feb 24)
@ 09:16:30

"- putting glitter on the table!" Mars is saying, the Phantasmoire Krittle's fur sticking up. "It always gets on the napkins!"
"The glitter is biodegradable," Juniper counters, the Aurestal Traptur crossing her arms. "And non-toxic. Eating it won't hurt you!"
"That's not the point-"

Goodness -- well, it certainly seems this year's Clash of Colours is still going strong, even as Amourok nears its end!Team's scores have been hidden, and both Full Hearts are now stocking more often in all NPC shops (excluding Port Rakor, the Snow Jar Igloo, and I.C.E Antiques). The Token Booth, Quest Store, and Raffle Store are also now stocking Empty Heart Fragments until Amourok ends, at February 23rd at 23:59:59 Icepets Time.

Hearts may be breaking, but they are also on the mend -- don't forget to design An Aurora for Amourok!
Entries should be submitted to Tinkerbell by February 22nd, 23:59:59 IcePets Time. You may submit a short story, a digital or traditional art piece, or anything else that strikes your fancy!