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IcePets Day 67, Year 15 (25th Dec 24)
@ 11:10:03
Aurestal may be the season of giving, but after a month of shopping for pets and friends, it's fun to finally be on the receiving end! Your Holiday Gift Tree might be bustling with goodies. Maybe you got that Retro Ray Gun you've been wanting. Just don't shoot your eye out! And if you're away on a tropical vacation to flee the bitter cold, don't fret! You have until November 30th, 2025 to unwrap your presents.
This month, the Auroras have taught us the true spirit of the season. Generosity gave us the greatest gift-giving tips. Prosperity helped us discover new ways to give back to the community. And Peace eased our minds so we could relax with friends. But with the Aurestal season coming to a close, they're ready to return to a well-deserved slumber. Spend all of that hard-earned AP at the Auroras Shop. You have until December 31st, 23:59:59 IcePets Time to claim festive goods, such as the beloved Aurestal Snow Jar.
Did you miss out on an Advent Calendar day? Don't worry! The Auroras are stocking the entire collection, so you can catch up on the adventures of two pen pals spreading holiday cheer. Grab the Snowslide Aurestal Memos to learn about the walking disaster Minali. Then pick up a Halipar Jungles Post-A-Coco to meet the scatterbrained Pompano. And if you run out of time before the end of the month, there are always Forgotten Advent Keys in the I.C.E Shop to unlock missing dates!