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IcePets Day 54, Year 15 (12th Dec 24)
@ 11:11:57
One of the most anticipated aspects of Aurestal has started! The Gift Exchange is officially open today and will remain open until the end of the year, December 31st 23:59:59 IST.
For any Terrafrostians new to this activity, here's how it works -- you can request two items from any existing items. If another Terrafrostian has the item you're looking for and is feeling generous, they can give it to you. Isn't that exciting?
This entire process is completely anonymous, but Lahja will give trophies to Terrafrostians who are able to fulfill requests as a thank you for their kindness. After three days, if either of your items hasn't been given to you, you can change your request! You can only do this once, so be certain about the items you're requesting.
Looks like Samuel needs a hand building up his Plushie collection! From Friday, December 13th until Sunday, December 15th at 23:59:59 IcePets Time, the Plushie Quest will be doubled! That means you'll get twice as many questing opportunities and twice as many prizes. If you're not familiar with this Quest or just need some help preparing, we recommend picking up a Plushie Quest Request List before you start.