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IcePets Day 44, Year 15 (2nd Dec 24)
@ 11:59:38
The Auroras have been their return to Terrafrost! You know what this means, right? The credits needed for shopping at the Aurestral Shop can now be earned!
For the remainder of December -- and Aurestal, the Auroras will have tasks for you to complete. Completing a task will earn you Aurestal Points (AP) needed to make purchases in their shop.
Every week, one of the three Auroras will be awarding bonus AP for completing their tasks. The first Aurora to offer this is Prosperity from December 2nd to December 9th, 23:59:59 IST. You may see all available tasks, how much AP they award, any bonuses, and how much AP you have to spend over at the Aurestal event page.
It wouldn't be a proper Aurestal without being able to gift friends presents under their Holiday Tree. These can only be sent to friends until December 25th however, after which everyone can open all their presents. Remember, it's the thought that counts, so don't be afraid to only give what you can!
Are you in need of a colour in the wardrobe to fit the holiday spirit? Head on over to the Snow Jar Igloo to pick up an Aurestal Snow Jar. It will be stocking all of December and it is also be available in the I.C.E Shop for 500 IceCash (450 for Icicle and Glacier Accounts) until the end of month.