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IcePets Day 30, Year 15 (18th Nov 24)
@ 16:12:47
As November reaches its midpoint, the excitement for Craftshare is building among Terrafrostians. This year, we're shining the spotlight on photography enthusiasts and inviting them to capture a photo to share with our community.
The theme for this year -- and your photo should capture it -- is land. We have no size restrictions; however the submitted images may be cropped for the final display. All photos in the end will be displayed in a "gallery" for everyone to view!
All participants will receive a 2024 Craftshare Trophy, Craftshare Avatar, and Craftshare Profile Skin.
To participate simply follow the rules listed below, and share your image in this thread!
Rule 1 - One entry per User. If your entry is rejected for any reason, you can submit another before the event ends.
Rule 2 - Work must be entirely your own.
Rule 3 - Art must be kept PG-13. All entries submitted must be considered appropriate under the Terms and Conditions of IcePets.
Rule 4 - Entries must be appropriate for the theme, and show some effort put into the creation.
Rule 5 - Digital and traditional artwork can be submitted, but your entry must be an image. If you choose to create traditional artwork, you must submit as a photograph taken as clearly as you can. IE: A photograph of a physical photograph.
Rule 6 - Staff reserve the right to dismiss a submission if it is hard to view or appears no work was involved.
Rule 7 - Editing of the photo after being taken is fine.
Rule 8 - You may share your entry to this event! Feel free to put your username in your submission as well, although using a copyright symbol is not allowed.