Voting Period:
2024-10-23 - 2024-11-01
Click on the title to read the contents.
Entry 1
Phantasmoire Night
You step outside in the freezing cold
And notice a sight to behold
Phantasmoire decorations everywhere
Hung up proudly in the air
Spooky treats and spine-chilling costumes...
It's Phantasmoire! You should celebrate, too!
You hurry back inside and put on a suit
But you're not scary, you're cute!
Going from house to house trick-or-treating
You better be quick, time is ticking!
Head back to your house to count your candy
Now that's a lot of things that are yummy.
Turning off your light
The town outside bright
Oranges, yellows, and blacks
Many things during Phatasmoire will give you a fright.
Entry 2
One, two. Step by step
House by house
Trick? Treat?
Said quietly, shy like a mouse
Two, four, steps
Did they see it?
How their shadow moves?
Alive? Could it be?
Trick or treat?
Don't you know?
Ghosts also eat!
Entry 3
Spooks and scares and frights this night!
Guess what, Phantasmoire's almost back!
The skeletons are back, going click and clack!
The black cats yowl,
And the werewolf howls, and
The skeletons emerge from their graves.
The spiders all start their crawl.
The ghosts start floating through the wall.
Or you can trick-or-treat with friends.
Phantasmoire's lots of fun.
We saw lots of spooky frights, and now we're done!
Don't worry my friend,
Come back next year, and we'll do it all again!
Entry 4
Halloween Phantasmoire
Tattered cloaks and baleful scythes,
A Chilling phantasmoire, a dreadful rise.
Children's masks, a frightful guise,
Knocking doors, a Halloween demise.
Skeletal jars, a ghoulish sight,
filled to the brim with phantasmoire and fright.
Evil jars, a sinister scene,
A haunted house, a Halloween scream.
As darkness draws near,
Life and death are nigh,
Little children begin to fear,
A Halloween phantasmoire is here.
Spooky lanterns and Jack-o-Melons,
Such a sight they bring in light,
Shining deadly Dovu talons,
Scurry fast for a possessed Makoat plush will bite.
A spooky night, a haunting theme,
A chilling phantasmoire Halloween.
Entry 5
Phantasmoire is a time to celebrate.
Although, you might not want to stay out too late.
A time to go and get a sweet treat.
It's an exciting feeling you just can't beat.
You might feel a chill in the air.
You're excitement makes it worth it to bear.
This special occasion only comes once a year.
That means everyone has nothing to fear.
Entry 6
Phantasmoire season is here again believers,
Craved pumpkins gleaming bright,
Roaming ghosts and ghouls and ghastly creatures,
Doing tricks, rarely treats through the night,
No one is safe, not even nonbelievers,
Exploring the Haunted house gives quite the fright,
Make sure you leave plenty of food at the door,
For the critters bags need to be filled,
If you don't, I tell you what's in store,
Tricks are played, critters are very skilled,
And trust me they are horrifying to the core,
So the food needs to be refilled,
Because while no one is counting, they are keeping score.
Entry 7
"Eek, a slob!"
"I'm no slob. I am... The Blob!!!!
You just chose the door with the most pretentious knob
so happens I'm here for the mob, here to rob.
you sure are the real Hob Snob, ought cut that lob
Don't ya sob, Bob, just doing a job, Rob
Now stitch that gob, hear, don't ya dare dob,
cause that'll be a real prob Rob...
see I'll have to flob!"
"Yeah. Suck you into the blob, gonna throb,"
"That corn?" interrupted Rob taking a swab to the Blob
"Yep a whooooole cob"
"Then flob Blob, FLOB!"